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10 Yays
6 Nays

CSS3: Embedding a Font Face
Want to get away from using just ‘web safe’ fonts to create attractive headers AND do it without using an image? Use CSS 3 and embed a font-face!
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10 Yays
8 Nays

30 Excellent CSS Based Navigation and Buttons
CSS menus are an integral part of many successful designs. 30 excellent tutorials on creating various styles of CSS menus.
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1 Yays
9 Nays

DD_roundies: Code-only rounded HTML boxes
A Javascript library that makes creation of rounded-corner HTML boxes easy. Uses a combination of "border-radius" and VML in IE.
User rating:
6 Yays
25 Nays

8 Free Design Platforms To Build Your Own Site
Online site builders have been gaining in popularity due to the unbeatable development speed they offer using click and drag interfacing. This article looks at 8 free site builders.
User rating:
3 Yays
5 Nays

Browser compatibility: Selector and Pseudo selectors
Some useful data on support for various CSS selectors and pseudo selectors in current browsers, including IE8 beta2.
User rating:
87 Yays
26 Nays

WebNicer Simple Grid System
A simple CSS grid framework that lets you quickly deploy flexible layouts with no complex CSS classes or rules to remember.
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5 Yays
2 Nays

YUI Compressor Online
YUI Compressor is a Java based code compressor that's versatile but a pain to use, as a desktop utility. Here's an online front for it, created by Rodolphe Stoclin.
User rating:
8 Yays
18 Nays

All Levels Menu Generator
A sleek online generator for quickly creating themed versions of All Levels Menu, a multi level, CSS menu system.
User rating:
14 Yays
22 Nays

56 websites with awesome footers
Just a few years ago, footers were used for just the copyright notice and secondary navigation. However, nowadays footers show everything but the kitchen sink. 50 sites with great footer designs.
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1 Yays
9 Nays

How to correct an overexposed photo in Photoshop
"In this tutorial I am going to explain how to reclaim some details back from an overexposed image using Photoshop."